I work with many Buyers who purchase or are interested in purchasing Waterfront Homes in Ft. Lauderdale and other areas of South Florida. Most frequently Buyers request information about recent purchase prices of Waterfront Homes and location of the Homes sold.
Within the last 60 days, 42 Ft. Lauderdale Waterfront Homes were sold through Brokers. These Homes include Intracoastal Homes and those located on Ocean access Canals.
Of the 42 Homes sold, 9 were listed as Short Sales and 5 were listed as Bank owned Foreclosures, so distress sales were not the majority of the sales.
The purchase price range was $190,000 – $5,000,000 and, of the Homes sold, $620,000 was the Median purchase price. The sale price to list price ratio was 89.47% so the average discount off of list price was ~10.5%. 24 of the 42 Homes sold are indicated to have been Cash purchases and the Cash purchase price range was $220,000 – $5,000,000. More than 50% of the total sales were Cash purchases and in our local Luxury Market, the majority of purchases continue to be Cash transactions.
The $5,000,000 Home purchased is located in the Northeast Ft. Lauderdale Community of Coral Ridge Galt. It’s located on an Intracoastal front Point lot, has 210′ of Waterfront, 7 Bedrooms, 7.5 Baths, 3-Car Garage, 10,182 Square Feet, and was built in 2008.
The $190,000 Home purchased is located on an Ocean access Canal without Fixed Bridges, has 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath, a Carport, 1,126 Square Feet, no Appliances, no A/C, and was listed as a “Handyman Special”. The $190,000 purchase price was less than the Home’s Land value alone, as is often the case with the lower priced Waterfront Homes, since Land value is a SIGNIFICANT part of the price for Waterfront Homes.
Click to view pictures and details of the Homes sold.
Ft. Lauderdale has the most Waterfront of all Cities in Broward County and the most Ocean access Waterfront of any City in North America, which has earned Fort Lauderdale the titles of “The Venice of America” and the “Mega Yacht Capital of the World”.
In Broward County’s Cities nearby Ft. Lauderdale that offer Waterfront Homes, sales have been steady as well. In Deerfield Beach, Lighthouse Point, Pompano Beach, Lauderdale by the Sea, Hollywood, and Hallandale, there were 46 Waterfront Homes sold within the last 60 days. Their purchase price range was $200,000 – $2,350,000 and the Median purchase price was $555,000.
Click to view pictures and details of the Homes sold.
Starting your Home search? Use the following links to view Waterfront Homes in Ft. Lauderdale and other areas of Broward County.